Yes, we're taking on new patients now! No referral needed. Come in for a NEW PATIENT EXAM AND DENTAL CLEANING ON YOUR FIRST VISIT and we'll talk about your dental history, oral health goals, and more...
Hate paperwork? We know you do. That's why we take care of insurance form submittal for you...
WHATS NEW for 2022.....
Dental Hygiene Clinic & Wellness Centre
Our mission is to be an integral part of the health care community. Providing a holistic, whole health approach focused around dental hygiene care. We provide accessible, professional, and alternative treatments for individuals, families and healthcare facilities. By continually acknowledging and reducing barriers to oral care, in office or your place of residence. We work with you to meet your oral health needs!
Strathroy, Grand Bend, Goodrich,
North London, Sarnia & surrounding areas. If you are unsure or feel you are outside our service areas please contact us.
Oral and Overall Health